Tuesday, July 10, 2007



Went to Chi-town with my GRRRRLs at the beginning of June. Between airplane delays and checking into the wrong hotel we managed to have (in my mind) some of the best 48 hours of our lives.
Before the fine, FINE dining (see below) we went to the original Marshall Fields (now Macy's - sacrelig!) and got FAB-ulous make-overs.

The highlight of the trip (and truly a keystone in my life) was this. Words cannot explain - either you get it, or you don't.
We get it.

A few days later, I turned 25. My sweet Quackie got me the mostly beautiful chef's knife. Folklore says that for a person to give their lover a knife means they want to cut things off. My guess is that Quack just wants me to keep cooking for him.
Just in case, he got me a helmet (pink to match my bike!) I wonder what the lover-to-lover symbolism in that is?

A few days after that I took off for my grandparent's 50th wedding celebration in the Rocky Tops.
The whole fam-damily got together in Colorado in a cabin that slept 14 (I think there were 19 of us) making for close quarters, but luckily we were in Rocky Mnt. Ntl. Park where there is about 10 sq. miles of land for every one who visits.
We paddle-boated and swam and sunned and golfed and did some shopping and horse back ridding and ate and drank and laughed until we all tumbled back down the mountain and back into reality.
My Mom's side of the family is also in CO and my granny threw a mini-reunion bash at her place.
Before I headed off to the airport, my G-mas gave me a zippy of chocolate chip/coffee cookies... YUM!
When I arrived to DIA, I didn't have any singles to tip the luggage carriers, so I gave them cookies and they were so, SO happy. Dollars be damned!

Oh yeah. On the way home a guy had a heart-attack and died on the plane. I wasn't anywhere near him, but the whole thing was very disturbing. (Nuff' said.)

Now I am back in PA doing the newspaper-tango, pencil in teeth like a rose.
First Time Tag

I've been tagged (read: e-chain letter) by Ms. Blahler. Some may find these annoying, I however need to update my blog.
So, here goes:

8 things about me:

1. I just bought my first car (traded in the Subaru Outback Wagon - which got me through 5 Duluth winters and 7 college/post-college moves - for a sleek iPod on wheels.)

2. I have an obsession/knack for painting my nails. I've trained my usually floppy left hand to paint my right without any wobbles. My favorite color is Cranberry Cream by Cover Girl (now named Magenta something-or-other, but I'm not fooled... I can spot it from a flourecent-aisled mile!)

3. Most of the jewlery I wear is hand-me-down costume jewlery from my Great Grandmother. The brand is "Sarah Coventry" and there is a tiny "SARAH" stamped into most of it. For a while I didn't know SC was as popular as the jitterbug in the 30's and 40's, rather, I thought my Grandmother had intended on giving it to me before she passed away and had everything engraved.

4. I like smoking wine-flavored black and mild cigars (VERY occasionally).

5. I helped bring a homeless shelter to the community I write for.

6.My favorite yoga-pose is a head stand, which my friends will tell you I demonstrate at every opportunity possible.
I learned it while taking a Hatha Yoga class in England from a proper Indian Buddhist (He was working on levitating in the lotus pose when I met him.)
The first day I was in the class (which grossly enough was held in the padded-floor wrestling room of a University) the instructor came up to me while I was struggling into a pose and whispered "A lot harder than the fitness-club American yoga, huh?"
That padded floor, with small curly hairs all over it, saved my arse while I was perfecting it. But it was worth it, especially when it comes time for party-tricks!

7. My parents and Quack's parents were college roommates. He (my BF) was actually in my mom and dad's wedding, as his mother was uber-preggers with him while serving as my mom's maid-of-honor. To this day, our moms and dads are very close friends.

8.I am a total addict of Public Radio. I listen to it in my car (talk and music stations) and on my iPod and on my iPod in my car (but with an adapter to the speakers, not with headphones in!)

So, I guess I'm tagging Eating Through the Year and Scrumpies