Monday, April 17, 2006

Oooo Saracuda!

So I went to a MN Roller Girls derby with my roomie on Sat. night. Seeing as how she is on exchange from Sweden I thought this might be an awesome opportunity to show her some good old fashioned fun. And by "good old fashioned fun" I mean snarky, fishnet wearing broads, slammin the shimmy out of each other, whilst they spun about the rink with athletic ability that would put any toothless hockey player to shame.
These bee-otches were tough. They were sexy. They were fun. They had pink and green and blue hair.
We went not knowing any of the rules, but left saying:
"Did you see the way that jammer cut through all the blockers when that pivot crashed?"
"Yeah! That was sweet-ass!"
The opportunity was there for us to have a rowdy, beer swillin, good time.... plenty of booze, plenty of boys. But we played it cool and took in the roller-action.
I got to thinking...
"Hmm... what would my roller girl name be?" ( All of the girls have feisty names like "Cupcake" and "Anna Bell Lecter")
"Hmm... I wonder when the next recruitment is?"
"Hmm... could I really kick some roller girl arse in a short skirt, cheeky knickers and a helmet?"
"Why yes. Yes I could."
Sooo.... if I end up in the Twin Cities area (which I very well might in the near future) I think I might try out to be a MN Roller Girl.
The gals were very athletic and despite all of the spills (and a couple all- out bawls) no one seemed to get hurt.
More than anything... the people surrounding the event seemed to be SOOOOOO cool. The skaters and their fans. (This bout - which was the season closer at the Roy Wilkins in St. Paul, their home venue- drew at least a couple thousand people. What other regional female sport draws that kind of spectatorship?)
There is a mildly demeaning tone to the outfits (the skirts are short- think A League of Their Own.) But the program explained that the ladies are taking on a persona... and just b/c they are wearing a skirt doesn't mean they aren't fierce competitors.
Also a lot of the proceeds from the events go to charities (Sat. it was a children's cancer fund). Seeing as how I don't quite have the funds for philanthropy right now, this could be a good alternative.
Not to mention a slammin' good time.
I mean Pabst Blue Ribbon is one of the sponsors for crying out loud!!
If you want to check out the sight I've put a link here:

I ran the idea past my Dad...
He raised his eyebrows and then said,
"What would your name be?"
me: "I don't know?"
Dad: "How about Saracuda?"

And that sealed the deal!

Anybody have any suggestions on how to prevent jammed and broken fingers? I suppose as a writer have to think about protecting my ass (sets) as well!

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