Thursday, May 25, 2006

Countin' Flowers on the Wall

I have been living the solo life for the past week. Every last one of my roomies (who kept this blog interesting) have moved out. The Swedes to Sweden, Blondie to New Zealand and the Boy back home.
In that time I have learned some funny things I do when no one is looking:
1. I am a closet slob - when the roomies were around, I was "that roommate." You know the one you pickup for because otherwise they would get pissy. But I just recently did the dishes for the first time and all of my "stuff" is sitting around. Some earrings here, a pair of stripped off socks there. The place looks way shittier than when a 6-year-old and two other adults were living there!

2. I talk to myself - a lot. Well it's not to myself exactly... it's to the T.V. and the toilet and the fridge etc....

me: "Ooooo.... I just love Taylor Hicks. He's so endearing!"

me: " Whoa! You're cold!"

me: "Damn... there is nothing to eat in here. Guess I'll just have to eat a green bean and cottage cheese sandwich."
fridge: "Are you crazy? Don't eat that crap! Order Erbs& Gerbs!"

3. I like to go to the bathroom with the door open - because if you keep it open and then open the door to Blondie's now vacant room, you have a lake view - from. the. pot. SWEET!!

4. Even though no one is home - I still shut my door when I'm sleeping. You know, to prevent the robbers from finding me.

5. I don't like to sit on my couch alone - it feels too big and empty. Instead I curl up in the chair meant for one butt, so it leaves nothing to be desired.

6. I go to bed earlier - out of boredom I suppose.

7. I wake up earlier - because there is no one in the shower to wait for and thus no excuse to hit the snooze button for the , I don't know... 10th, 11th time.

8. I have developed window/door lock O.C.D - I'm not especially afraid of being there alone. But I guess what keeps the fright at bay is making doubley, tripley, quadrupley sure that the hatches are battened.

In other business.... I am having a garage sale. Well I guess I don't have a garage... so it's more of a yard sale. As I began packing I realized I own way too many knick-knacks that I can't bear to tote around.
Most thing are just pretty little ditties that people will be compelled to buy while they are out and about. It helps that I am located especially close to the bus stop and park. I'm planning on using the same strategy they use in stores where they set up pretty little things by the register while you wait in line. In fact, I suppose that is how I ended up with most of this shit.

So come buy my stuff!! You know you like my taste .... (wink, wink)
Saturday morning at my place (Call for my address if you don't know.)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Lovin' me some Silver Fox!

Admittedly I have been sucked into the marketing machine that is American Idol. I have been a pretty regular watcher since season one... I can still remember that lazy evening , 4 years ago, when I bumped into this show about choir nerds. Being one myself, I was instantly stopped while channel surfing when I saw a young boppy gal doing a big band version of some Ella tune.... I would late learn this lady to be Kelly Clarkson.

I. was. hooked.

So last night, I put off everything. I practically turned off my phone... for this season's final sing-off.
Taylor Hicks (a.k.a The Silver Fox because he is prematurely gray) vs. Catherine McPhee. They are both extraordinary... but I blame my fervor for Taylor on my lust for men with baby-faces and my parent's love for Michael McDonald.
He is soooo goofy and so great and his "whiskey tenor" has always been a weak spot for me. (As many of you know I have run into a number of heartbreaks and mistakes when it comes to the sweet- singing fellas.)

Well some how they have not fully programmed me.... guess who forgot to vote?


Monday, May 22, 2006

Update Version 2.0

What a difference a day makes huh? Well, it's actually been about 10 since my last post, but who's counting?
(Jenny, Latisha... you junkies!)
Ok... this post will update you on all the current happenings in my life. My previous post is entirely outdated and useless.
I am not moving into that quaint one bedroom I painted such a pretty picture of for a number of reasons:
1. I would've had to get a second job (blah) Although on a slightly related note, I did find out this weekend at my friends wedding reception that I have a flair for floral arrangement.

2. On the day I was supposed to sign the lease, I showed up to the place and no one was there to meet me. I called the landlord and he said "Opps... I forgot. I'm at my favorite watering hole. Can we do it later?" If that's not a warning sign, I don't know what is.

3. I might be moving to Pennsylvania.

I KNOW, I KNOW! Make up your damn mind Flee! Well I have found a job that is making up my mind for me.

It is a smashing weekly, in a growing market, an hour north of Philly. They are family owned, with top of the line technology, a full newsroom, correspondents, a rotating column (which I will be contributing to monthly), a bee-boppin' young editor who is into the 'new media' i.e. internet, multi media , Blogs, citizen's journalism. etc....AND I would be their" investigative reporter" — bringing serious issues to light through human interest features!!!

The catch.... I don't have the job yet.

BUT, I had a phone interview (which was the best of my life) and will be hearing back from the editor as soon as possible.

me to editor: "Do you see me fitting into your newsroom?"
editor to me: "unequivocally yes."

The clocks is ticking... 8 days and counting before my lease is up... nothing like living on the wild side , huh?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Home sweet home

Well... I am moving, agian.
To my very first apartment... solo. A lovely one bedroom with exposed brick, mocha walls, a window in every room (including the walk-in pantry) a claw-foot tub and hardwood floors. And as long as the trees remain leaf-less (which isn't much longer) there is a lake view.
I am taking over the place from a dear friend of mine who is venturing north..... WAY north!
For those of you who have been to Duluth, or are living here, the place is one block up from the Rose Gardens .... I will practically be able to eaves-drop on those precious little weddings that take place at the iron-top gazebo!
I am VERY excited... but also a bit scared of flying solo. My other "peopley" friends assure me that they love living alone and are not too bored or lonely.
My roommate was counting how many roomies he's had since college.
I have had 22!!! Count them people! 22 in 5 years!
I guess it's time for a peace.... and that's not to say I haven't enjoyed the chaos!
So, in a few weeks, I'll have to have a bit of an open house... to invite all of my past roomies ( and current friends) to break the place in.
From the looks of it, it's bound to be a pretty big party.... I hope my new landlord is cool with some noise :-)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A severe case of "Mom Butt"

Ok... so pulled a pair of summer capri's from the bottom of the drawer today, slipped them on, and was pleasantly surprised at the fit. There was no need to do squats and lunges with them on (you know... to make some extra room in the suckers?)
Well anyways... from the way they felt, I didn't even bother to look in the mirror.
I just came back from the bathroom @ work (where I've mad a stupid habit out of checking out my butt in the mirror (I think it's the height of the mirror that beckons me to do this) and I have MOM BUTT IN THESE PANTS!!!
You know... that kinda funny double-wide pancake look with a waste too high and the absence of pockets?
AHHHHH! I don't care how cute the front looks, or how army fatigue the green is....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I was walking down Superior Street today, it is fairly nice and so people are out and about. Taking their breaks outside, having that one extra smoke and so on....
As I'm walking I hear someone singing. Just down the block there is a guy with headphones on leaning up against a sunny building, eyes closed... loosing himself in the moment.
I can't quite hear what he's singing, but I can tell he has a sweet voice. A nice tenor....
I get closer... and am finally able to make out the words:
Dude: "I'm in love with a stripper..." he sings.


Is this a song or was I on candid camera or something?