Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Lovin' me some Silver Fox!

Admittedly I have been sucked into the marketing machine that is American Idol. I have been a pretty regular watcher since season one... I can still remember that lazy evening , 4 years ago, when I bumped into this show about choir nerds. Being one myself, I was instantly stopped while channel surfing when I saw a young boppy gal doing a big band version of some Ella tune.... I would late learn this lady to be Kelly Clarkson.

I. was. hooked.

So last night, I put off everything. I practically turned off my phone... for this season's final sing-off.
Taylor Hicks (a.k.a The Silver Fox because he is prematurely gray) vs. Catherine McPhee. They are both extraordinary... but I blame my fervor for Taylor on my lust for men with baby-faces and my parent's love for Michael McDonald.
He is soooo goofy and so great and his "whiskey tenor" has always been a weak spot for me. (As many of you know I have run into a number of heartbreaks and mistakes when it comes to the sweet- singing fellas.)

Well some how they have not fully programmed me.... guess who forgot to vote?


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