Saturday, February 03, 2007

Why I'm uncomfortable in "My Space"

I'm just learning how to get down on this Myspace gig. I'm not entirely sure how all the functions work.
For example, if I send someone a message, is that gonna go up on their page for all to see? Also, is there a private way to send my email address to someone? I guess I prefer to communicate "the good old fashioned way" - email.
I get a little nervous when I get a new message b/c you never really know who it's gonna be from... is it an ex-boy friend? is it your best friend? Or worse, do you even remember who this person is?
I have run into this last problem a number of times... either I have a shitty memory, or a lot of people know me without me knowing them.
On the flip side, there is the possibility of receiving a message from a long-loster who you truly love and miss horribly! The pain of opening a "friend request" which contains a message and picture of someone you never get to see can be bittersweet and heart wrenching. I liked the numbness of my out-of-sight, out-of-mind lifestyle before all this connecting crap!
Once you make these connections, you have to be real with yourself about all the friendships you are neglecting. I guess MS is a tool with which to bridge the gap, but the truth is, we all just snoop around each other's pages, get an idea for how we think the friend is doing, and maybe leave a little note.
I guess these observations are just part of the cyber-settling MS requires....


Anonymous said...

If you find you dont like myspace, you can get in on the facebook action. You no longer have to be a college student to facebook. (i just used 'facebook' as a noun and a verb, does that work?) I prefer it, and think you might too.

Flee said...

I'm not gonna put it all out there agian!
But thanks for the recommendation.
My guess is that I would be wiggly over at FB too.