Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why Subi-roo? Why?
My car is making it clear that it has had enough. There is a constant smell of burnyness, the check engine light winks at me every now and again, and the brakes are growling like the king of the Outback.
I think the cross-country road trip is what sealed the deal.
If you know me, you know about my love affair with my car. It is such a humble, fun vehicle. The kind of car that is more a vessel for public radio than anything else. So it is much to my chagrin that it is starting to show its age, er mileage, @ 125,000 (+). Eeek!
The brake thing just started. It went from just fine, to holy shit!, in about 5 miles. The pads are now just a fine layer of dust around my hub-caps and the routers, well, they sound like they resemble a Lay's potato chip, and not the Frisbee they were at their inception.
So I am looking right now for a reliable mechanic in PA. Not an easy task, anywhere really.
My fella keeps insisting that he has buddies that can take care of the job, but I'm afraid that if I wait any longer, I'm going to have to ask those same buddies for a ride to work b/c my car is Ka-Put.
Oh, and to top it all off, the very reason I love the car, the hatch-back, has rusted shut or just plain old rattled itself broken b/c I cannot open it to load and unload my mud splattered mountain bike, camping gear and Golden Retriever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we've got a million things to chat about. First of which...poor suby. that thing is like your illegitamate child with a volkswagon. I hope the repairs come soon. Secondly, you have a golden retriever?! Do tell. Thirdly, I got to hang out (and by hang out i mean get autographs and take pictures) with the current american idol, mr. taylor hicks. OH YEAH! I know you're jealous. Get back to me.