Thursday, March 01, 2007

I miss Caribou Coffee...but not this much

Jerry Cran and his wife Bev fight the wind and blowing snow as they cross Railroad St. on their way to Caribou Coffee in Canal Park this morning. (SAM COOK/NEWS TRIBUNE)

Looks like the Internet is the only point of access to the world for many of you Mid-Westerners today (and tomorrow if the snow keeps it up.)
Tell me, are cooped up with your favorite wool socks on? Did put a little Bailey's in your morning coffee? Are your dogs going outside for you? Is your car covered or uncovered? Did you try to get to work/school today? How many episodes of "I Love NY" have you watched?
Or in the case of CW and CJ are you busting through drifts whilst attached to your XC skies and dog? Anybody go sledding down the middle of an unplowed Avenue?
No matter what your idea of good blizzarding is, I hope you are all safe my white-washed loved ones!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It took two days for us to get a car out. Before the plows came, I harnessed up the dog and we skijored up and down the snow-covered streets of our neighborhood. Everyone was out shoveling and snowblowing and they all stopped what they were doing and called to each other and pointed and laughed as the dog and I went by.