Monday, May 22, 2006

Update Version 2.0

What a difference a day makes huh? Well, it's actually been about 10 since my last post, but who's counting?
(Jenny, Latisha... you junkies!)
Ok... this post will update you on all the current happenings in my life. My previous post is entirely outdated and useless.
I am not moving into that quaint one bedroom I painted such a pretty picture of for a number of reasons:
1. I would've had to get a second job (blah) Although on a slightly related note, I did find out this weekend at my friends wedding reception that I have a flair for floral arrangement.

2. On the day I was supposed to sign the lease, I showed up to the place and no one was there to meet me. I called the landlord and he said "Opps... I forgot. I'm at my favorite watering hole. Can we do it later?" If that's not a warning sign, I don't know what is.

3. I might be moving to Pennsylvania.

I KNOW, I KNOW! Make up your damn mind Flee! Well I have found a job that is making up my mind for me.

It is a smashing weekly, in a growing market, an hour north of Philly. They are family owned, with top of the line technology, a full newsroom, correspondents, a rotating column (which I will be contributing to monthly), a bee-boppin' young editor who is into the 'new media' i.e. internet, multi media , Blogs, citizen's journalism. etc....AND I would be their" investigative reporter" — bringing serious issues to light through human interest features!!!

The catch.... I don't have the job yet.

BUT, I had a phone interview (which was the best of my life) and will be hearing back from the editor as soon as possible.

me to editor: "Do you see me fitting into your newsroom?"
editor to me: "unequivocally yes."

The clocks is ticking... 8 days and counting before my lease is up... nothing like living on the wild side , huh?

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